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Children under 5 and Chores

Your child is never too young to start helping around the house, and Mom and Dad, you need the help to free up some family time and do fun things together!

Involving your children in chores gives them the feeling to be competent and responsible. Even if they don’t enjoy the chore, they will still get the feeling of satisfaction when the chore is done.

Children learn about what they need to do to care for themselves, a home, and a family. They develop skills they will need in their adult lives, like preparing meals, cleaning, organising, and keeping a garden. Being involved also gives children the experience of relationship skills like communicating clearly, negotiating, cooperating, and working as a team.

Now the big question is… HOW do I get my children involved in chores?

Best is to start by looking at the children’s ages and abilities. Giving your children chores that are too hard can be frustrating and chores that are too easy might be boring.

Even young children can help with chores if you choose activities that are right for their age. You can start with simple jobs like packing up toys, setting or clearing the table. Chores like these are likely to give your child a sense of responsibility and participation.

You can motivate your child to get involved in chores by:

  • Doing the chore together until your child can do it on their own.

  • Being clear about each person’s chores for the day or week.

  • Showing an interest in how your child has done the job.

  • Praising positive behaviour.

Here are some ideas on what types of chores are fit for certain ages:

Toddlers (2-3 years)

  • Pick up toys and books.

  • Put clothes on clothes hooks.

  • Set placemats on the dinner table.

  • Dusting surfaces.

  • “Straightening the bed” – Making the bed.

Pre-schoolers (4-5 years)

  • Set the table for meals.

  • Help with preparing meals, under supervision.

  • Help with grocery shopping and putting away groceries.

  • Sorting and folding laundry.

  • Water the plants.

  • Get the mail.

  • Wipe down the garbage can.

  • Unload the dishwasher.

Sweep the kitchen floor or vacuuming a room.

Give it time and carry on consistently! Once the children see that chores are a regular part of family life, they’ll get a sense of pride. (Proud they are helping, and they are accomplishing a task and proud they are needed.)

*Credits:- Household chores for children.

A Mother far from home. Real chores pre-schoolers and toddlers can do well. Rachel Norman

Very well Family. The Importance of Chores for Kids. Amy Morin.

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